In art, masks take an important role. I am definitely attracted to their stories

The African Dancer
Regularly, artists find their inspiration in simple moments or things. Others may dismiss these moments or things, but we become fixated on them and create a connection with them through our art.

I had one of these experiences in Luanda, Angola, where I lived in 2007. I was preparing for an art showing at the Celamar Gallery in Luanda, there was a group of dancers practicing on a stage outside the gallery.
During this time, I was struggling to decide what pieces I was going to show at my own show later that year. The exhibition was going to be held at that same gallery where I saw the girls practicing. One of the dancers stuck out to me and I immediately created a composition in my head.
Later that year, in the same place where my inspiration to create the African Dancer was born, I held my solo exhibition and showed the painting.
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